Monday, October 16, 2006


All seat belts, car seats and booster seats were finally done up, a deep sigh of relief was issued all around the van and then...

6 yr old Tanny Paul: "I need to go to the bathroom!"

4 year old Emma Louise: "I neeeed to go to the bathwooo - WAIT! I alweady went!"

Oh thank you God for that little grain of honesty! That child earned a big kiss and hug! The other one... got to get out, traipse back into the church hall under the guard of two older brothers and... use the Mens Room.


M. Alexander said...

hey, you made Danielle today!


Cathy said...

Whenever one of my four insists he or she has to go to the bathroom, the "Me, too" chorus starts up in our van, too.