I am slowly recovering- thank you for the prayers and I will keep everyone updated as much as possible. Unfortunately, I just begin to recover from one health problem only to fall into another. Now 'tis the old back that is complaining in a big way, so an appointment with the chiro appears to be in order - SOON!!
Still, given we have had two newborns land in the NICU in the past - we feel very blessed as we would rather it be one of us suffering from health problems, than one of our little ones.
And so here is one more pic for all to enjoy - the delight on Elsa's face as she meets Cecilia for the first time!
And again - thank you for the prayers and keep them coming please, as they are still needed!
(I cropped the picture as my eyes were showing the fatigue of little to no sleep throughout the previous 48 hours... not a pretty sight to be sure!)
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