Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Update on Gracie

Here is today's post regarding Gracie. I will let it speak for itself.

Hello everyone.

Thank you for your prayers today. We had a meeting today at Duke with our family and with doctors, social work, nursing and ethics. It was a wonderful opportunity to have everyone in a room and to come together for a plan of care for Gracie. Todd and I feel that the meeting was conducted with class and we felt that our faith, our beliefs and our concerns were able to be listened to and accepted.

The doctors presented us with the following conclusion:

Without any action, Gracie is going to die. The hopes of every doctor included in Gracie’s care was for her to make progress, feed, grow and get better before the next needed surgery was done.

But, this has not been the case with Gracie. She has “stayed the same” in her progression and is not seeming to improve in her overall health picture.

So, the doctors feel that since we want every attempt made to try and help Gracie to live--they feel it is time to move forward and take her into surgery for an attempted Glenn procedure on next THURSDAY, OCTOBER 2. THERE IS A 10% CHANCE THAT SHE WILL SURVIVE THIS SURGERY. This does not mean that she would die on the operating table only, but the change could cause her body to shut down. But, the doctors said that if there was no chance at all that Gracie would survive he would not send her to the operation. WHAT IS 10% TO GOD??????

So, the only way that this surgery will not take place is if Gracie makes a dramatic improvement in the next week in health so that we can buy more “feed/grow” time. Or, if Gracie looks very sick on surgery day--they will not go forward. God could also call her home or He could return before this day, also!

So, please begin right this moment for God to perform a miracle and let Gracie’s body to come through surgery and accept the new flow of blood in her body. We are praying that He get the glory for bringing her through. Doctors even admitted that if Gracie comes through this that it would be a miracle--hence, God’s doing.

Please pray for Todd and I and the family for this week--as we know that this may be our last week with Gracie.

But, we are going to continue to trust in the God who sustained our Gracie two weeks ago today for a purpose. We believe He can bring her through this next mountain that she has to cross.

So, we have 8 days to pray hard and believe that He is able.


Thank you,

Todd and Amanda

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