Monday, March 16, 2009

And heeeeres...

... the newest member of our family.


This "wee" baby was carefully selected this weekend after much prayer. The really incredible thing is that our second oldest daughter delivered this puppy along with the rest of his litter and our fourth daughter, Anna, was also present at the birth.

We have been wanting a puppy for a while and we have been waiting for the right moment. While he is a young puppy he is WEANED! His first night here was pretty peaceful. He woke up a few times and was taken to the potty and settled down again. Please God he will do as well tonight.

We feel with our evening classes coming up - we need a dog in the house with our teenagers when they start to baby sit a couple nights a week. Look forward to many updates as this little fellow adjusts to life with a large family!

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If you think these...

are cute....

check them out here...

and here....

BUT she is quickly out growing them - WAAAH!!!

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