Sunday, April 13, 2008

Cute Chat...

...after being away from home and Elsa all day and then snuggling with her:

Mummy: "Did you miss me, Elsa?"
Elsa: "Oh yes, I DID!"
Mummy: "Did you miss Gabriela?"
Elsa: "Oh yes I missed her, all de day I missed her!"
Mummy: "Well, we missed you too."
Elsa: "But I didn't go any where!" Read more!

still working on that

... slide show and now have even more pics to work on as Anna just recently participated in the Pure Fashion Show today. Whew - it was fun - but glad its over. The last few days have been very hectic with one hour drives to and from the city where it all took place. To learn more about Pure Fashion - click here. They have a great message. Thought I knew a lot about them, if not everything but today I learned that they are actually now an international program, with shows taking place across Europe as well as here in North America.

We are working the bugs out of a new routine while still discerning some important decisions to be made by our family. Please keep us close to God in your thoughts and prayers as we continue this process. If I do well, smoothing out the wrinkles in the new routine, you will hopefully see more regular posts as well as possibly some more published articles. At least that is my hope.

And lets hope I can figure out the slide show - I seem to be forgetting an important step in how to actually create a slide show through Picassa. Possibly I am just tired? Anyway - I am hoping to get the Shrine slide show up soon.

God Bless to you all and I pray you all have a good week. Read more!