Monday, October 16, 2006


On Friday, I was finally able to complete and post a good schedule for us to follow for school. It looked realistic, covered all the subjects and remembered we need to eat as well as study. It was bright and colourful with large enough print that we can see it from across the room. It is even unusual in that it is made of index cards taped together.

But it does not have any spots on it scheduled for:
Blowing nose(s)
Running to the bathroom repeatedly times several children
Stopping to take mega doses of Vitamin C
Looking for the Zicam
Looking for Tylenol for acking backs and necks
blowing noses again...
console grumpy, crying toddlers and preschoolers who are just too ill to be nice to anyone

It is only 8:27 and the schedule is already shot so I think I will just... go back to bed and start over?

In the meantime, please keep mum2twelve's gang in your prayers while we do battle with a host of germs and viruses that have invaded the household, overnight it seems!


Jen said...

I will keep you and your family in my prayers today...that school goes well and everyone feels better. :-)

Anonymous said...

As far as schedules go it's best to start with quite a bit of extra time built in the schedule like even if spelling only takes 15 minutes make to at least 20-30 minutes on the schedule or leave 30 minutes in the morning and afternoon as free time so you can use that for catching up. Or you can realize that you'll only get about 70-80 percent of the schedule done in a given day and that you're striving for more or that you're getting more done than previously without a schedule.