Thursday, September 18, 2008

Back in Action...

... sort of. Saw the chiropractor again today and he has managed to get my back so realigned that I was able to actually go out (with Hugo) and buy groceries after.

It is amazing what you can feel grateful for - once you have lost that ability. I even cleaned my closet! Imagine that! Now if I could just last long enough to tackle the rest of the house... but I must not push things but continue to feel grateful for these little baby steps.

And isn't somewhat like our faith life? I know I become so impatient to reach a certain rung in my journey that I want to give up when I am not there as fast as I want to be. Meanwhile, the good Lord is patiently chipping away at my imperfections, gently and even more perfectly than the chiropractor eases my spine back into alignment.

And even then, my muscles that learned to pull in one direction almost immediately begin to try and pull back to their more known and, therefor, more comfortable position. Again - I feel I can liken this to my slow and bumpy journey closer to God. I make it just so far and almost immediately old worries and bad habits start pulling me back - to where I was once comfortable.

But the trouble is - I am not comfortable in that old thought process any more and so I struggle to keep moving on - seeking a new comfortable spot in my relationship with Christ.

As always I will be glad for prayers as I journey on towards better spinal health and a better place in my spiritual journey! And from the looks of things - my spiritual journey is the more difficult one!


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