Sunday, May 25, 2008

Our first bakers Monday!

And I am cheating by linking to an older post called Janet's Bread. Today (Sunday the Solemnity of Corpus Christi) we enjoyed a lovely day at a park after Mass. There, another family from our parish joined us in a feast of whole wheat rolls, and watermelons.

We toyed with the idea of hitting the transportation museum as well, but as I had lesson plans calling to me, (incomplete lesson plans) we headed for home and now at 10:07 pm, I am finished three children's lesson plans with only four more to go so I am cheating with an older post about one of my most favourite recipes - Janet's Bread. So without further ado I bid you to click here and enjoy, for the first time or as a repeat!

Diane - I am working on that review - but for some mysterious reason Prince Caspian, as in the book, was re-read several times the past month and suddenly no-one, not a soul, knows where it has disappeared to. So tomorrow I will be pleading with Saint Anthony to assist us in this endeavor and, as I am a quick read, I hope to have the book devoured in short order so that I can do a good job comparing the two! It has been a few years ( quite a few) since I read the book so I feel I need to refresh my memory in order to better answer some of your questions regarding it. I am quite looking forward to it. If you have not read any my other reviews I will put a link up tomorrow sometime so that you can see the type of review I try to accomplish when I do one!

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