Sunday, May 04, 2008

Don't I have enough kids already...

...without trying to take someone else's while entering the zoo?

Today we sped through the entrance of the zoo as we have prerequisite "Cuteness Pass" that all members of the zoo carry and that five year old Emma solemnly held out for the gate attendant to examine. Then catching glimpse of a short brunette in the corner of my eye caused the instant reflex of my calling out: "Come along sweetheart!" while my head turned to catch up with my words.

A startled six year old stared at me while she clutched her mothers hand who, thankfully, just grinned at my goof up! I apologized and hurried to catch up with my own gang, err family! You would think the prospect of counting eight heads for the next 2 hours would have satisfied me, without my feeling the need to add a ninth!


Diane said...

Glad to hear that I am not the only one who does such things. I once reached out and took the hand of a little boy, about the size of my sons, who was grabbing a candy bar. Thank Goodness his Mom understood and even tanked me for not allowing him to play in the candy at the counter.

Bekah said...

I had an almost identical experience this weekend. We took our eldest son (of nearly 6...#6 due any day now) to a movie this weekend, leaving the others at home. While walking in to the theater, I almost called the child behind us to hurry up, then realized this was a young boy the same height and hair color as our daughter, just in time. This is what comes of leaving some of the brood at home.

I've also lost young ones, only to realize they were there all along snugly attached to my hip.