Thursday, January 17, 2008

WHAT? Another post, THREE in one day?

This is what happens when you are brain dead and trying to complete paper work that entails frequent online research. You get sidelined by interesting questions like what is the origin of Cannuck... which leads you to stories online - like this one: Click here to read!

As to the origin of Cannuck (AKA canuck) - still working on that, in between getting busy signals from Revenue Canada. Who would have thought Canada's equivalent to the IRS would be so popular - or maybe they just took the phone off the hook for lunch!

PS for those who click to read the story above - the author does a great job of explaining various Canadian terms but forgot to explain that the Hydro bill is not the water bill - it is Electric bill. This is because so much of Canadian electricity is derived from Hydro Dams.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank you for this purely Canadian post!! I am a Catholic Homeschooling Canuck living in Ontario. This post brought me back to memories of visiting my dad and grandfather in their hut while ice-fishing on Lake Erie. I think of your family often, and rejoice with you as you embark on a new and exciting career. Praise be to Our Lord.
Marcie from Windsor ON