Tuesday, December 25, 2007

NO more till Dawn!!!

The Western style shoot out that was played out in the upstairs hallway around 4 am prompted my announcement that no more cap guns were to be heard until dawn. By midmorning at least one of the felons involved appeared to be regretting it.

1 comment:

Lorcan said...

Cap gun fights in the middle of the night, eh? I might have told thee this story ... can't remember. But, this reminds me of my peaceful Quaker childhood. Back then folks wore suits to Meeting ... everyone did. And... Man from U. N. C. L. E. was the new big hit show... AND, there was a very real looking German Lugar plastic cap gun, which had come out, as well as some very real revolvers with plastic extra loud caps... Well, all those things came together when, a group of Quaker children formed a secret spy organization, complete with membership cards, and traded information on where to find all the right gear.

So, while parents were making sure we looked well turned out and peaceful, on a First Day (Sunday) morning, we were checking ourselves out in the mirror to make sure our shoulder holsters did not make a bulge in our jackets, or our ankle strapped revolvers were not showing...

Well ... it might be the first time I was eldered by the meeting (or that might have been the Christmas carol event John Maynard of which often reminds me ) ... but there we were, on the roof of Friends school, having a major shoot out ... during Meeting for worship, not knowing that - rather than being far enough away, we were in a sort of audio well, so ever shot sounded as though it was being fired in the Meeting House... I still shudder to remember it. A number of families frisked their kids after that, to make sure we were unarmed before Meeting.