Friday, January 12, 2007

A little fun...

This past week we have been playing a game based on economics and goverment as a unit study. It is a game we are creating, to some degree, as we go along. For money we are using Monopoly bills.

Elsa, at the ripe old age of 20 months is a keen obsservor and has noted the enthusiastic passing of ten dollar, hundred dollar and even one dollar bills back and forth as we engage in the bartering for services and objects of desire.

Yesterday, as I was noting a deposit made by my eight year old daughter in our little black book (Soon to be transfered to an EXCEL program and handled by the 'banker" we 'hired' this morning.) Elsa appeared by our side gleefully waving several white one dollar bills in our faces. She carefully extricated a one dollar bill from her other fist and passed it to us with great finesse and then grinned expectantly at us. Bethany and I laughed and took the dollar bill and thanked her for her payment. She twirled on her heel and while Bethany and I speculated as to where she had found the dollar bills and whose they were she returned, more gleeful than before, and with yet a greater fistful of bills. This time she cheerfully paid us a few hundred dollars as well as a fifty dollar bill. She was very proud of her new found purchasing power. However, what she was purchasing remained a mystery to us, and she did not seem anxious to reveal it. She was just happy to keep showering us with bills.

But all good things must come to an end and the owner finally arrived to claim her much needed Monopoly money, lamented she had not yet opened a bank account and then quickly sped away with Elsa in hot pursuit, screaming her protests of what, to her mind, was nothing short of having been held up and robbed.

And now, I must keep my appointment with the new banker and show him how to post all of our accounts into an EXCEL program. Until next Friday ~ GOD BLESS

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