Friday, January 05, 2007

Emma is smitten...

Hearing that some of Miguel's friend Anthony was coming over for a visit Emma looked at me and said:
"Momma, is only big girls allowed to have boyfriends?"

To which I responded:
"Oh yes, only BIG girls have boyfriends."

To which Emma responded with a heavy sigh:
"Oh why does I have to be little???"


Lorcan said...

Of course little folks can have Aunts and Uncles, if Anthony is a steady sort of fellow. My father's family were Salvationists, and had a tradition of aunts and uncles, my father's unrelated aunt Em, was so much his aunt, I forgot often that they were not really blood related.

All the best

Lorcan said...

PS Emma's very big question has resonated with me... and I think, my answer to Emma, on why does she have to be little... to completly bask in the joy simply being, and so we big clumsy grownups can remember that joy, and work towards it someday.
Thine in the light

Dory said...

OH! OH!!!

Don't tell Tanny Paul!

Can you do anything for the poor girl?