Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Silver Linings

Everyone was busy with different tasks and I was busy on the lap top, researching something or other. I spied a short curly red head pass me out of the corner of my eye, my desk being in one corner of the dining room where I can supervise the kitchen, as well as the front door.

The curly head stopped beside my desk and sat down. On the rim of a rather large water bucket that was half full. Of course, not being designed as a seat for toddlers or anything short of a small bird this half full bucket tipped and emptied its contents, including the surprised toddler, onto the floor. I gasped, as did Bethany, who also happened to be in the same room. We stared in shock for a few seconds at the river and small currents of water that were spewing in all directions around Elsa, who for the first time that day was motionless, her legs sprawled out in front of her soaking up the cold water.

Bethany and I looked at each other and then we flew in differnet directions looking for towels of any size or description. As we bent together and sopped up the ever flowing water Bethany smiled and said; "Well, at least it is not carpet like in the old house!"

"YES!" I agreed fervently, at least it is not carpet! Thank God for small favours I thought as I plucked the still frozen curly head from her bed of water.

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