Monday, December 04, 2006

The days are coming, says the Lord, when I will fulfill the promise I made to the house of Israel and Judah. In those days, in that time, I will raise up for David a just shoot; he shall do what is right and just in the land. In those days Judah shall be safe and Jerusalem shall dwell secure; this is what they shall call her:
"The Lord our justice."

Jer 33, 14-16

Our first Sunday in Advent was spent very quietly. We bought some healthy snacks and put on two funny DVDs back to back and enjoyed a peaceful afternoon laughing and giggling together as a family. While I know where BOTH of our wreaths are and had one pulled out and ready to go, four crema coloured candles and ribbons of both purple and pink... we were unable to to light our candle.

Someone accidently dropped some heavy cans on the candles cracking them . In addition to this, when we tried to place them in the candle holders, they cracked even more and then proceeded to fall over each and every time we tried again to place them on their individual holder. Our 19 year old son dug deep into his pockets and came up with as much change as he could and went to the little store across the road and bought three candles, one purple and two white. It was all they had. They would not stay in place either. I am not sure how I managed it last year, although I suspect I glued them.

But never mind, the first Candle has been lit in each of our hearts as well as in the heart of our family. And the Baby Jesus knows this.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

At least you know where the wreaths are this year! *Grin*

Glad to have come across your path again! *Merry Christmas!*