Monday, March 13, 2006

I know the answer... it is a rhetorical question.

What does one do when in so much pain, especially emotional pain?

Pray, of course.

But when you first feel the injury - sometimes the prayer is so difficult, no?


Anonymous said...

I recently went through the worst day of my life. Worse than the day my mother died, worse than the lowest day of my depression. And I prayed and begged God to help me understand and to know what to do next. But I didn't start to feel peace until I went and spoke to my priest the next day. So go (run) to your priest and ask him to pray for you. Even if he doesn't know the right words to comfort you, his prayers will help you immensely.

Amanda said...


I'm not sure what's wrong, but I'm praying for you.


Mairin :o) said...

The other part of that answer is.. ask others to pray for you,too. I am.