Saturday, October 08, 2005

This is how I feel right now – a bit like a lazy cat enthroned on the couch like a Queen. However, I am afraid I do not have that luxury today! When I am finished this post, I must away to my duties which today means… packing… again!

However, despite the drudgery of this task – I must try to do it with gratitude. There is always a reason to feel gratitude – if we try hard enough. Last night my two oldest boys narrowly missed being involved in a 40 car pile up because, instead of being on the road at that moment, they were here, at home, pacing and waiting for the Doctor’s office to call and confirm that Miguel’s asthma meds had been called into our pharmacy. Despite having called the office at 9 am, we had still not heard back by the appointed time of departure – 3 pm.

As patiently as any young adult with things to do and places to be, they asked me again; ‘When DO you think they will call???’

Finally we got the okay and they rumbled out of here, put puting down the drive in our rusted antiquated 1988 Blue Chevy ah – van? A discard from the army that has definitely seen better days, it is a mix between a delivery van and a box truck and really is quite funny looking. With no radio, no a/c and a leaking roof and a heavy diesel engine it was going to make for a long and tiring three hour drive to Belmont where they had plans to met up with some of Jonathan’s college friends and their sister to go see a movie and spend the weekend. Never the less, they were happy to have four wheels that were going to get them where they wanted to be.

They had only made it as far as the pharmacy, when we had to call them and tell them to turn around and come back as there was a 40 car pile up on the 85, causing the closure of six of its eight lanes. Four of which were the ones heading south… to Belmont.

Feeling pretty down in the mouth they turned around and came home. It is amazing, though, how sometimes the very irritation that kept us from leaving on time for a road trip also kept us out of harms way. I cannot help but think that is our guardian angels at work on those occaisions.

Later in the evening, after we had finished the indoor barbeque we had in honour of the Feast of Our Lady of the Rosary, it was time for prayers. Following the Rosary, Miguel suggested that each of us think of just one thing, no matter how small, that we were grateful for today.

Here is what we were grateful for:

Miguel 18: For Gabriela cooking such nice burgers for our feast dinner.
Anna 12: That Noah made the special drink in the blender for me today.
Noah 10: For our lovely dinner tonight.
Gabriela 14: For finding what I needed to buy on eBay today. (a rosary for a friend)
Bethany 7: For praying the Rosary with my family and our nice dinner.
Teddy 8: For such a wonderful day.
Jonathan 20: That the house is nice and tidy.
Daddy: That our boys were not involved in the accident and might have been, had they left on time.
Mummy: For getting to go out for coffee with Daddy this morning, and for the rain that we so badly needed.

Okay, so Bethany and I cheated and said two things, but the truth is I was, and am, feeling very grateful for a lot of things. So – even though I do not want to go out to the humid and stuffy packing shed to pack – I will. And I will try to remember all that I am grateful for as I pack… and pack… and pack…. And I will try not to grumble – too much.

Credit: The picture of the adorable cat on the couch is from Sister Pat’s Franciscan Cards website

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