Saturday, December 05, 2009

Where are all the children???

Its only eight thirty and I have not seen hide nor hair of any of the younger set for at least half an hour. Now where can they be? Not already tucked into bed and courting sleep filled with sugar plums and Saint Nicholas? Could that possibly be where they are?

Makes me wish this lively old saint came every night!



~C~ said...

For some reason we're a night off here and thought it was tomorrow night. Ooops. When St. Nick drops by he always leaves one of his elves to watch over the kids and report back. But you know how elves are, mischievous little things and he tends to hide so the kids have to find him each morning. Then when St. Nicholas returns on Christmas Eve night to bring gifts the elf will go back home to the north pole with him. Kind of a cute tradition. I just have to find our elf....

dorry said...

How cute the above form Casey!
How true for us all too.

The mystery and excitement and Holiness of Christmas!
Let us all believe in this special coming of the Birth of Christ!

And a very Happy Birthday to our lovely blogger, Christi!
She is a December born too!
Hope your birthday this month is great!!