Wednesday, April 08, 2009


Had to roll the thermostat up a notch or two, pull the down filled comforter back out from its summer's nesting spot, grab a long sleeved pajama top before crawling into bed last night. Winter's having one last stubborn fling before fleeing for the year. Guess I will also need to grab a pair of socks this morning after going barefoot in my sandals all last week.

Still - the dogwood is blooming as are the azaleas, so spring is definitely just around the corner.



Kelly said...

Oh, us too! I'm So ready for the warm weather!

dorry said...

YES! all our dogwoods are lining the entire street as they do every year so beautiful and in almost full bloom! We even have pink ones so cool!
The azaleas are of every color!
This is sooo beautiful in our older neighborhood!
One of the many reasons I love living here in North Carolina from upstate NY.