Thursday, February 26, 2009

Small Successes...


1) Got my hair CUT this week after wanting to do it for about three months! LOVE IT! And probably shed a few pounds as a result! Seriously - we cut so much off I bet I lost at least a pound! :-)

2) FINALLY called the repair guy for my under warranty BRAND NEW dishwasher that is grinding and groaning! He will be here Monday - praying my beloved dish washer lives until then.

3) Did a dry run of my first ESL class to see how long it would go - should take a solid hour to go through it all. My kids played the part of ESL students. Benjamin practiced his Spanish accent and Bethany pretended to need the work sheets to answer! Noah was the wise guy and Gabriela the perfect student who always got it right! Cecilia played the cute and silent student while the three little ones watched a cartoon or two!

This is the first week I felt I had some small successes since they started this! Guess my post partum tears have finally passed! Looking forward to posting more!


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