Sunday, November 23, 2008

GASP! Its how many days to # 13?

FOURTY SIX days... yes, that is D A Y S!!! The other evening, I glanced at my igoogle home page and thought 'wow only 46 days to Christmas' but then caught the actual title of the time ticker I had chosen and it was 46 days until baby to be!! (It was 36 days to Christmas.)

I almost fell off my chair - which in my condition would not be the smartest thing I could do right now. Fourty six DAYS??? Now of course - that is assuming she will be on time - which she most likely will not be, so I am trying to focus on mid January as the due date - but still.

You see, here is my to do list:

  • Set up baby hammock...... check
  • Find cartons of new born clothes .... check
  • Go through and pull out OODLES of new born baby girl jammies and church outfits..... half a check.(Last two babies were born in Spring and early Fall -which down here means very warm to almost hot temperatures - so there was little fit for the winter season.)
  • Return cartons to storage......
  • Buy diapers.......
  • Prepare changing area.....
  • Buy baby laundry supplies......
  • Buy baby bathing supplies.....
  • Locate stroller and clean up......
  • Locate baby swing and test that it still works....
  • Buy Mylicon drops because ALL of my babies suffer from reflux varying from mild to severe....
Now ask me about my Advent and Christmas list and you get a very different story. I am almost completely ready for this upcoming joyous season, but clearly I am in denial about a new baby about to arrive on the scene.


UPDATE: I have tried THREE times to correct boen to born (hope it shows with an "r" and not an e here!). However blogger has decided it will not allow me to write newborn above.... Argh!


Beth said...

you're an expert, getting ready should be NO problem!!!

Anonymous said...

haha you might want to also change 'fourty' to 'forty' while blogger'll still let you!

~C~ said...

I've been reading your blog for some time but this is the first time I've left a comment. And it's about something totally random besides saying Congratulations on the upcoming lucky 13. Mylicon was recalled recently. I don't know if it was there too but it was taken off the shelves here completely because of some sort of contamination. When you go to get yours (and you might want to wait till the baby is here) check the date on it. They might have a website.

Congrats on lucky 13, you must have the patience of a saint because my 3 nearly drive me insane by themselves. Add 10 more and I don't know what I'd do.

mum2twelve said...

Thanks for the reminder, I posted a warning from their site regarding the recall. I will most likely purchase a no name version of the product, but most people more easily recognize the brand name - but it is good to have a reminder for other readers who may have missed my post - or other recall notices.


dorry said...

How funny! Sounds like you sure are ready Christi!

I never used this Mylicon on my babies/children?!
People use this on a regular basis for their babies/children?!

~C~ said...

I think we always bought an off brand ourselves but because you mentioned that specifically, and I hadn't read your post on the recall, I felt compelled to share that info. I think we used "little tummies, or no more gas" something like that, worked just as well and less than half the cost of Mylicon itself.

And to dorry, it's a lifesaver if you have overly gassy kids or ones with reflux, just a drop or two in their bottles or a drop or two in their mouths if you're breastfeeding and it settles all those gas bubbles out.

dorry said...

oh well.....
Since my oldest is 27 and my youngest is 11 and I had 7 children... it is obviously too late!

BUT, I will remember for my sisters babies and any grands that are sure to come someday :-)

I see the leaves are a coming just like my yard here in Raleigh!
Never ending leaves...