Monday, March 24, 2008

An almost 3 year old conversations:

Elsa: "I am a baby bear, Mummy!" (said as she snuggled up to mummy)

Mummy: "Oh you are? Well - you are a very pretty bear!"

Elsa smiles and adds: "I am a very sparkly bear!"

Mummy: "Ohhhh! Yes, you are a very sparly bear.

Elsa smiles.

Mummy: "This little bear has very pretty eyes."

Elsa smiles.

Mummy: "This little bear has a very pretty bear nose!"

Elsa sighs: "But I don't talk. Bears don't talk."


Elsa: "Mummy I have a cut on my foot. LOOK!"

Mummy checks foot over carefully and manages to find a tiny speck that could possibly be an injury if one really stretched their imagination. "Oh - I see it Elsa!"

Elsa: "Yes - A monster did that to me!"

Mummy: "A monster?"

Elsa "Yes - a MONSTER and it put mud in it!"

Mummy: "It did?"

Elsa: "Yes it did and now I need a band-aid"


Elsa: "Mummy there is a 'pider on the wall and it's going to eat me!"

Mummy: "Then you better get on Gabriela's lap."

Elsa: "Look Lala - there is a pider on the wall."

Lala: "Hmmm?"

Elsa: (growling very loudly) "LALA - you better look at the 'PIDER ON THE WALL, OR IT IS GOING TO EAT YOU ALL UP!!"

Careful examination of the wall unveiled.... nothing! Not even the tiniest spider and certainly not one big enough to eat us ALL UP! We just have a very imaginative two year old.


"Oh by the way Mummy - I have to use the pottie" this said while dancing and squirming on her tippy toes.

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