Tuesday, February 05, 2008

When do you praise the Lord that we have the Influenza?

When you drag a very sick toddler into the doctor's office, trying really hard not to think how much your child's behaviour and symptoms for the past month have been like that of the two year old who was just diagnosed with Leukemia.

When the pediatrician looks very worried because he can not find an explanation for the sudden onset of a 105 temperature... after weeks of flu like symptoms that keep coming and going and had finally seemed to be gone and then this sudden spike in her fever brought you into his office.

When the doctor orders a blood count test and a Flu test and tells you our best hope is a positive flu test, and his voice trails off...

When the nurse comes back with a big grin on her face and says "SHE HAS THE FLU!" and you laugh in relief.

YES, we have the influenza - Type A - highly contagious, but treatable. Very treatable.

Praise God.

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