Friday, November 02, 2007

Child of God...

Emma, who is five now, said to me as she passed by me in the dining room earlier this week.

"Mummy - I love you"

I love you too Emma" I replied.

She paused and looked at me and said "But of course, you know that I love Jesus more."

I smiled at her and said "Yes, and that is HOW it is supposed to be Emma. That is how it is supposed to be."

She smiled again and continued on her merry way.

Today, while discussing with Hugo, our future, I told him about this little happening and added: "By todays' standards, this child should never have been born. In fact, BY THE WORLD'S STANDARDS, none of our children, after the first two or three, should have been born .
If we had listened to society, we would never have been privileged to bring into this world this beautiful child of God, who knows who she is supposed to love the most... what a beautiful gift we have given to God. And that God has given to us.... "

It is good for Hugo and I to remember this now and then, when we are struggling with where we are by the world's standards and where we are by God's measurements.


j.a.varela said...

Es una gran verdad. Los hijos son de Dios. Y para Dios. Y otra: el más chico es una bendición especial. Lo tenemos bien experimentado en casa. Shhh... que los nueve más grandes no se enteren!

Excellent post!



Cath said...

It is good for Hugo and I to remember this now and then, when we are struggling with where we are by the world's standards and where we are by God's measurements.

A point for all of us to remember, and one I needed to be reminded of. Thanks, Christy!

Anonymous said...

Yes God knows best!

Lisa said...

Oh, amen! It's a signal grace to get these reminders! They are no accident. &:o)