Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Has it really been 11 days???

... since my last post.

Time really flies when you are.... busy!

I have a favour to ask of my faithful readers. Please offer up a prayer or two for our family. We have come to a cross roads and what did my husband do - but pray for "more faith". As I heard those fateful words cross his lips - my eye brows raised- about an inch and he looked startled.

"What?", he asked defensively.

"Faith? Should you maybe try asking for graces instead?" I quiered.

And then import of what he had said struck him and his eyebrows went up as it sunk in.

"Oh.", he replied flatly.

And the Lord has been quick to answer my spouse's plea for a growth in faith. I can almost imagine His grin at the invitation to stretch our faith.

And so I ask you to join us in our prayers for the graces to face the immeadiate challenges in front of us. In particular we need many pieces to fall in place quickly as well as people in two different countries, as well as different provinces, to all co-operate in order for all to come about in a quick manner. Suffice to say, things have not yet begun to fall in place and our nerves are stretched thin enough to twang a song on them.

Still, with all that is going on health wise, financially wise and spiritually we took some well deserved time off and I will share the results below....


Lorcan said...

Prayers for thee and thine, as ever, and my certainty that in God, all will be well (with a nod to Julian of Norwhich for the words... )
Thine in frith and friendship

Beth said...

I'll pray. Those are some great pictures!