Monday, April 02, 2007

Catch phrases of the toddler stage.

Elsa has mastered walking. Elsa has mastered climbing.
...and is now working on gates. After all what is a baby gate for, other than to climb and catch our little pinkies in?

But the muscle in her body commonly referred to as the tongue is also mastering much. She has almost conquered the English language. Along with "NO! MINE!" and WEEEEESE (Please) she has also learned 'Doan touch dat!' 'No tank ooo!' "EMMA do dat!!" (accompanied with emphatic thrust of her pointing finger!) "My turn." You turn!"and she has a few spanish phrases down pat - the most important being PECHO, by which she means 'I need to nurse, NOW!'

But my favourite of all her catch phrases is, by far, her newest one;

"I lub you whole, whole bun Mummy!!"

While I sometimes tire of hearing some of her other oft repeated phrases, I will never, ever tire of hearing that.

And Elsa honey, if anyone is reading this to you: "I lub you a whole, whole bun too!"

1 comment:

Beth said...

I'm going to have to remember "pecho" because we need a more appropriate word than the ones we've been using... ;-)