Thursday, December 21, 2006

Dipes and Wipers please...

I eyed Elsa as she toddled by with a most unpleasant waft following her. I pushed my paper work aside and leaned over to pick her up. As I did so, I asked Anna to:
"Please bring me some dipes and a wiper."

This was met with peals of laughter and I looked at Anna.

"Dipes and a wiper?" she questioned me.

"Ah yeah, dipes and a wiper!" I said defensively!

Me thinks I am still a bit tired from the flu bug that has had us all in its nasty grip since Sunday! What says you?


Lorcan said...

Well, there IS a certain poetry to it! It reminds me of the Andy Capp cartoon, where he lifts his collar to the Peeler and says, "Offisher... take me drunk, I'm home!"

Do, all feel better VERY SOON!!!


Mama Heffalump said...

Passing Mum some dipes and a wiper along with hugs... *A-Bunch*