Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Book Reviews and Movies too!

Look for an exciting book review to come soon. I am going to try and jump start my other blog Catholic, Classic, and Current Books and Movies that I started last year sometime around the Christmas Season. To give you a taste of the types of reviews I will be writing, you will find the occasional review here with a link to my other blog included.

With as many children as I have and the ages we span; we come across such a variety of books, classical and otherwise that I thought it rather selfish of us not to share these treasures as well as warn against the not so great and even not acceptable books that lurking out there on shelves everywhere.

The first book that I will be reviewing is A Whisper in My Heart, written by Kathy Clark of Canada. Look for it soon, along with many other book and movie reviews!

1 comment:

Julie D. said...

Now THAT'S my kinda blog. Looking forward to reading all the reviews as they come along! :-)