Friday, September 29, 2006

As promised...

...only I decided to take pity on you and dressed in long pants, rather than subject you to back of my chubby knees! I feel as though I have cheated because one always looks slimmer in black. I have to say that I am sure that I am bigger than I appear in this picture.

I'll be back next month, and will use the same outfit in hopes that we can see a difference.
At the very least I will post as to whether the pants (still maternity ones) are any looser!


Anonymous said...

You have begun the journey! Good for you!

I look forward to the monthly updates, and in the meantime, I will offer up your efforts during my exercise times.

I started my own journey towards better health and fitness in May, after nearly an 8 year hiatis, and I am finally starting to see results (though I FELT better almost right away). It takes a lot of strength, courage, discipline - and grace. Lots and lots of grace. :-)
But it is so worth it. As Saint Paul says, our bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit; therefore, we give God glory when we treat His temple well.

This has gotten long, so no more for now, except - YOU CAN DO IT!!

In Christ, Janet Thompson

Mairin :o) said...

You don't look all that big to me. But anyway, good luck in your pursuits. I am certain you will do well.