Thursday, August 03, 2006

Do you ever...

...wish for a moment of peace and quiet. Do you ever mutter aloud "Oh My goodness I wish (child/baby's name) would just STOP crying. I would give anything for him/her to stop whinning at me!"

Because of the tremdous echo in our new home I have of late been making these very lamentations and immeadiatly felt guilty as I wondered what would it be like to suddenly not be able to ever hear her or him again because of some tragedy. Idealy in those moments I really should go and hug that child but typically I push the guilt feelings down and keep on with the chore I am trying to finish.

However, with the recent tragedy of one Catholic family losing their child and now a posting that I came across on and my own daughter's recent scare of a possible brain tumor I am trying to listen more to those gut feelings. Last night I thought I would go crazy while Elsa nursed hour after hour, often waking with a start as if in pain or afraid. My husband was away on a business trip and so I was alone with this very fussy child. I was so tired especially as I am recovering from a bout of flu and I felt annoyed by this intrusion to my much needed rest.

But then I thought about how at my age (44) this beautiful baby is most likely my last - when will I ever have this opportunity again to be so needed and wanted. Implicitly! So I laid there and gently smoothed her brow while listening to her soft breathing, almost too soft to be audible. And then when the sun was just beginning to soften the darkness she fell into a deep sleep, her body finally relaxed and peacefully. I felt such relief and stretched my cramped limbs and rolled over ready to join her in her blissful sleep. But before I could completly relax there was a quiet knock and Elsa's 3 year old sister joined us in my giant king sized bed.

I groaned and hoped fruitlessly that she would just join Elsa in her deep slumber without yet asking for her customary morning baba. However it was not to be and within moments I was treading down the stairs where I searched silently for the bottle, the juice and the filtered water needed to make this ritual complete. Then I trudged back up the stairs and handed Emma her "baba" and listened to her contented swallowing and waited for her to pass me the empty bottle, the final step of her morning routine. Tonight as I read this post My Story that had been linked to from the yahoo group mentioned above I feel even more gratitude f rall of my wonderful children. I feel even more blessed than before that my 23 year old daughter's tumor was just a burst blood vessel caused by a huge mirgraine.

I need to remember to be grateful for every little interuption by one of my children because it means they are here and able to interrupt me! Thank you Jesus for the sleepless night I had last night and thank you for the little angel who interrupted it so many times. Thank you!


Lorcan said...

Funny thing about God... he made us all human. We have God as a model, but... well, God in all wisdom... did not make more Gods, or Angles... God made humans. Humans who in our dear and loving wisdom and weakness wish to bang our heads at the thought of a crying baby ( oh dear friend, to have had that frustration!!! ) or wonder at God's letting a daughter or friend have a migraine, burst blood vessel and fear of a tumor ( I am so joyful at the good news, so worried that my friend, thy daughter not burst any more!!! ) Dear friend... God so loves this our poor weak flesh so much God created it... created us to worry, question, fall, get up, get sick, get well, live and die, greave, heal, forgive, want, cry, sleep upon the floor, sleep on a soft bed, be consumed in a tsunami, save others who would have been consumed, to know, to wonder, to wish, to cry, to laugh, to be... to live. To live. Most of all, to be there, a salve to others who live, to reach out a hand to those we cannot imagine in God's plan anymore than a tumor or a year of starvation... to love beyond sense and even imagination. Thee has raised such wonderful children, the moments of doubt, anger, are meant to be, and meant to be balanced by moments of wonder and pride and joy.
Thee is ( with all the challenges that I do not discount ) a blessed and lucky daughter of a loving God.
I know thee knows this as well.
Thy friend

mum2twelve said...

Thank you Lor!