Sunday, July 02, 2006

Never assume that all snakes...

...are on the ground. Oh yes - we watch exciting exploration shows and see Condas and Pythons hanging from branches in the deep jungles of Africa. We watch with bated breath as our favourite crazy host, the Crocodile Hunter Steve Irwin delicately extricates one of the most venomous snakes to be found in Australia out of a tree - by crikey. And we assume that it is only in these far off places where snakes chose to live above ground. But I am here to tell you and SHOW you that this is not the case - that here too in the US, snakes can and do climb trees. Very big trees. Trees in your yard, that you walk underneath every day - not suspecting that in those leafy green branches there just might be a 5 - 6 foot black rat snake lurking.


Lorcan said...

God protect thee from the like!!! One of the reasons I like living up north, no black rat snakes waiting for me in trees!!!!!!!!!
Thine in the light

Anonymous said...

Wow! My wife has been very nervous lately because she saw a small snake in the garden last week. Wait until I tell her about this! Good luck!