Friday, March 31, 2006

Spring has sprung...

Robin Redbreast has arrived... and I think he is building a nest (again) with Mrs. Robin outside my bedroom window. Oh Goodie! They were my neighbours last year and, at first, I was so in enthralled with the idea of a nest right outside my window! Just think - all those little baby birds chirping after they hatched.

Chirping in the early morning with the sunrise...

Chirping in the evening as mama and papa bird settled them down to sleep.

But then there was the chirping for early morning snack and then the later, but still early morning, snack. Chirping for the mid morning snack. Chirping to greet mama when she arrived with the pre-lunch snack. And, of course, they had to greet papa when he arrived to allow mama time away for her lunch and we had to chirp when mama came back from lunch with a post lunch snack for the little, wittle cute baby birds.

Then there was chirping for all of the afternoon snacks. Chirping, chirping, chirping. It was not too long before I was tempted to climb out on the roof and teach those ever loving, chirping baby birds how to fly!

What I will need to remember, this spring and early summer, is what a GIFT this chirping will be - but just not in the same vein as I thought it was going to be when they took up residence last year. Besides - this year, I will not be recouping from a c-section with a newborn tucked in my arm... while listening to the red, red robins chirp, chirp, chirping!

1 comment:

Mama Heffalump said...


(I have peepers outside my bedroom window!)