Thursday, September 22, 2005

Ode to Shelia

Shelia has left, moved, died or been eaten. Whatever has happened - she is gone! The children have been speculating the past few days what happened to Shelia, Noah's "pet" spider. He and Teddy had been feeding her grasshoppers the past week, fattening her up it seems. Perhaps Shelia had an image problem and decided to move where the pickings were a little "more slim". At least the children got some awesome photos of her before she departed. A picture they say is worth a thousand words so here is our Ode to Shelia.

(Post script, in orginal posting, I got Shelia's name wrong but soon corrected!)


Patt said...


Wanda said...

Very nice! I love garden spiders! Is there no egg sack hidden anywhere in, under, below, around the web? I think they seal themselves up and lay their eggs, then die, becoming food for their baby spiders who emerge in the spring.

mum2twelve said...

This is actually a Fisher Spider and we believe they are nomads - moving from bush to bush in search of victems fro their webs. The fact that my boys were feeding her daily probably prompted her to move, as she could not eat that much and her web would eventually rip. And probably did. My older boys, who use to "adopt" spiders, explained to their younger brothers that they need to space the feeding more to make it more natural. They have since found a smaller fisher spider, but still talk a lot about Sheila who was really big!

Noah said...

lol, I still miss that old thing. Actually, there was and egg, but we WERE feeding it too much. For some reason we always thought this was a fisher spider, but I found out it is an orb weaver, or "banana spider"

I have not seen one of these things since last year! I hope I find another soon...