Thursday, August 25, 2005

Hermosa! Posted by Picasa

Babies are absolutely adorable. Yes, I think we can also all agree that babies are cute, sweet, beautiful and absolutely delicious to behold. Yet somehow we can't get away with being bald, chubby and toothless. How is that?


Renee said...

I am thoroughly enjoying your writing. I have seven children, and recognize much of what you say. My oldest is only 12, so we are approaching new territory. It seems like just a blink ago that my baby was sweet, toothless and chubby, just like yours. Now she is 15 months, walking, and saying, "no".

Lisa said...

I, too, am enjoying your blog. I am a mother of six, ages 14 to 3. What a CUTE baby!

Chris said...

I'll say "ditto" to the enjoyment!

Randi said...

What a cutie!