Thursday, July 07, 2005

This is the Body of Christ...

On the odd occasion that I feel that I cannot receive, perhaps I was too distracted by the little ones, or by my worries, to feel that I have properly prepared myself for the receiving of our Saviour. Or perhaps – I was late with my breakfast and feel that I have not properly kept the fast. Whatever the reason – I try to think about spiritual communion when this happens. In some Missals there will be a prayer for Spiritual Communion, and I try to read it if there is one available.

However, whether such a prayer was available or not, I sit there quietly in my pew, and in between reminding the children to say their prayers of thanksgiving following the receiving of our Lord, I glance around the church and let my eyes fall on my neighbours who have just received. I look carefully, and I think about the fact that each of them has just received Jesus. He is now as present to them, as if we are all on the Mount listening to Jesus’ sermon, and as such through them – I feel as though He is now present to me. Each and every one of these fellow worshipers has received the Precious Body of Christ and I am surrounded by them… and as such, I am surrounded by the Body of Christ.


Amanda said...

Wow, Mummy. That sounds a lot like the experience of a "gathered" meeting for worship. I may excerpt you!

Lorcan said...

There were times I would play the Uilleann Pipes at mass in my wife's church. The time you describe was always my favorite... or am I remembering the order of the mass incorrectly? You are describing the time when we would play, "Lamb of God... you take away the sins of the Earth... " and everyone shakes hands, waves at those to far away to shake hands with, gives each other peace signs across the church? What I love about that time, is that people turn from listening to one or another aspect of the mass, to real communion with each other and God.

You would have gotten a real kick out of our choir. It was mostly Irish and Spanish. The sister who directed it was Italian and Irish, and referred to herself as a Buddhist - Sister Joan. There was a wee fellow, a nine year old Hispanic kid, who played the trumpet, and a few older Spanish guys who played guitars... and me on the pipes (Irish rather than Scottish - sounds a little like a violin... )

LadyHatton said...

Beautiful. I have often had similar thoughts, while watching the line of people going up to communion. I imagine that all of them have hopes and fears and special needs and intentions that they are begging the Lord to hear. The church seems weighty with human needs and prayers. It is truly then that I feel part of "the body of Christ".