Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Mid week poll update

So far "ambivalence" is in the lead...

What will you do when the Da Vinci Code opens on the 19th?

Answers Votes Percent
I am planning on boycotting it. 4 9%
I plan on "othercotting" it by seeing something else that day. 5 11%
I'm actually going to see it. 3 7%
I am going to protest it with friends outside our theater. 2 5%
I am ambivilant about it and will probably do nothing. 28 64%
While I feel strongly against it - I am unsure what I will do. 2 5%


Anonymous said...

Me too! There isn't much I can do about it, so I did #6, but if I could drive I would be "othercotting" it...I guess now you could say I was boycotting it... Oh well!

Amanda said...

I think a lot of people are bemused by the recent uproar, because the book has been out for years, and there has already been a lot of discussion about the true/false aspects of the fiction. I read the book back in 2003, and walked away with the impression that it was badly researched and badly written. There's a lot of fascinating academic research about the role Constantine's government played in the shaping of institutional/governmental Christianity, but Brown just took a few sensationalist ideas and ran with them to create terrible thriller prose (Worse than Tom Clancy). And now we have a terrible thriller movie with Tom Hanks wearing terrible thriller hair.

I myself struggle with the idea of movies at all--millions of dollars making fake war, fake suffering, fake emotion, instead of being put to use to help relieve the real war, real suffering, real emotion. Sometimes I think that the movies allow us to ignore what's really going on in the world by wrapping up shadows of the real issues in a comfortable package we can process, go through some catharsis, and then forget. But that's another conversation altogether.